Wednesday, August 4, 2010

the retirement 2010 a short film by joseph

The retirement
a short film by Joseph Taylor
the story of a bureaucrat who own cynicism leads him to a sea of red tape

so i wrote this in a appeal to veiw my film
yah see i have no money to submit my films
so i beg the so called judges to view my film based on its merit not on my pocket book
anywya i sent this letter along with all my dvd copys

My name is joseph taylor

im a struggling filmaker

i worked for 2 years saving up 10,00$ to fund and create this film.
i sacrificed a lot to make this film, and

all my films really. now as a artist i tried very hard

to make in my opinon a decent film of my own script and time

with limited resources and time in between my job. in effect im asking you

to please take a look at my film "the retirement" and the xtra short collage peices

i have also attacthed.
me like the rest of the country is going through some
economic hard times .
my whole life i was told im no good and will amount to nothing.
it took me a while to decide to become a
film maker it took me even longer to decide to give my self a chance.

i worked really hard following my heart and my dreams to make films in my own vision
in my own way.

i am askign you to take a chance with me
and im also asking for your help to help me as a strugglign artist and a devoted
film maker to help me make somehting better of my self.
and so i offer you this proposition
if you take a look at my films and decide they are worthy of your festival
than i will gladley pay the submission fee. but i can't in good conscious
pay 60$ to somebody who will just toss my dvd in a trash bin .you see i do
not know for sure if they
are even bothering to even watch it. so all i ask is a little commuication

and a little feedback.
i will be happy to pay a submisison fee after you
take a look at my little films and tell me what you think.
talk to me, give me feedback, respect, and some time.
I know this is unorthadox ,but take this for example
does a painter approch a gallery and have to pay the
gallery owner 80$ to look at the art before they even get a response?
does a garage band approch a club and have the club
owner tell them to pay the club owner 80$ to play in said club?
why as film makers who spend all their money on making a film and are left broke why
are they diffrent . I understand the desire for the film fest to pay its fees also but
maybe we both can benifit this way instead of just one of us .

i ask you to judge me on the merits fo my experimental film AND NOT
on if i can pay the sub fee. Is this just to much to ask?
like i said i will absolutley pay
when i know you are giving me a chance. and maybe also
we will both make a new freind.

-your new freind joseph taylor