Saturday, December 20, 2008

No you dont know me

here is my submission to the summer art festival in Athens Greece.

from the press release

"from the German word "museal" has a unpleasant meaning it describes objects to which the observer no longer has a vital relationship and is in the process of dying museum and mausoloum are etonomicly connected their market value leaves no room for the pelsure of looking at a object - theo adorno

"no you don't know me" is artist Joseph Taylor submission to the July art festival.
in this Joseph uses a nauseating sound juxtaposition with with shakey video to give the viewer a uneasy feeling .
in the words of the artist
" this piece is meant to play on attack on the viewers senses
placed inside the museum is a space of comfort viewing and security
where this piece placed in in the museum causes a disruption of space.
a deterrotorialization of the museum clean space.
the idea is to disrupt the very European idea of the museum
a very capitalist and colonialist space. a ideological apparatus set to uphold certain hegemonic relations and values.
a museum is a questionable place. where the artist
can show his cultural and creative superiority.
take for example taxidermy it makes a dead thing look alive. same with a museum
once a object has been named "art" by a specialist or the market, it loses it cultural value and becomes aesthetics object. and is palces is a dead place like a museum
the aurua of authenticity and originality isi n the museum
and it has a huge monetary value but no cultural value once in the museum
and its reproduction only has no monetarily value but some what a cultural value in the form of postcards and posters.
so im saying we are not artists until a specialist tell us we are or we are not artists until the market says we have a value

so Iam not a artist until someone "owns" me or soemone "buys" me


  1. what impressed me most was your description of this piece, the oppositions drawn. the last line, drawing parallel taxidermy = museum was inspired.

    perhaps I do now know a small piece of you...

  2. so i added this to it lou saying im not artists until someone Buys me or owns me.

    once a object has been named "art" by a specialist or the market, it loses it cultural value and becomes aesthetics object. and is palces is a dead place like a museum
    so im saying we are not artists until a specialist tell us we are or we are not artists until the market says we have a value

  3. it's not art until "they" say it's art

    then financial value overcomes (even) the aesthetic

    one of the main reasons for purchasing art
    is to own a small piece of the artist
    especially after death
    when the only pieces left of him/her
    are those they ripped from their soul
    and thrown onto their canvases

  4. "from the German word "museal" has a unpleasant meaning it describes objects to which the observer no longer has a vital relationship and is in the process of dying museum and mausoloum are etonomicly connected their market value leaves no room for the pelsure of looking at a object - theo adorno

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