Tuesday, February 24, 2009

post card from hell

so its been a while since i made one of these.
so i spent most of the winter months stiitin at my computer typing the word
LOL on forums and in responses to jokes i really don't find funny. but i use slang and jargon because i like to be part of something im really not a part of , and act like i care about people who dont give a shit about me in real life.
i didnt even notice i gained some extra baggage.
time had passed me by and all i had to show for it was a worn out Bauhaus cd and lots of coke bottles.
i was depressed and down i won dered how did i come to this

but lets go back a few monnths.
you see all this happened when i lost my job
i always worked well with children
until that one incendet
i was fired but found a new job as a judge on a little miss Tennessee beauty pagent.
but the work was not steady

i found a new job asa professional Christmas card model.
but my heart was not in the job.
what was wrong with me?
i was at the top of my game
i had women who loved me
lots of money and fame but
something was missing
Maybe it was food. it had always filled the void of my being before.
i gaine d30 pounds in weeks. i was fat and sassy.
one day while eating 40$ worth of food at burger king my typical lunch i realized no its not food . its music. that i loved. that was my dream. although it took me 40 years to relaize my dream.
i was going to join a heavy metal band.
to be continued

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