This situation has certainly not helped our friendship. Other people are often part of the problem of loneliness, and they're never the solution. I've found that truly loving myself is the best way to attract the love and respect of others. It's not easy, but it's worth it. I know you didn't solicit my advice, but I feel compelled to offer it anyhow... stop for a moment and imagine that you are the most love-worthy person in the world (which you are) and ask yourself what that person deserves. Does he deserve to be respected, to be honored and valued? If you say "yes" to that... give it to yourself, tell yourself you're that love-worthy person until you can't help but believe it, then regale yourself in all the love, honor and respect that you can, everyday, a million times if you have to. Other people will see that in you and they will respond in kind, unless they are too mired in their own self-hatred to give to anybody, and then you can just set them aside, because you'll have the self-respect to know you don't need their negative crap anyway.
This situation has certainly not helped our friendship. Other people are often part of the problem of loneliness, and they're never the solution. I've found that truly loving myself is the best way to attract the love and respect of others. It's not easy, but it's worth it. I know you didn't solicit my advice, but I feel compelled to offer it anyhow... stop for a moment and imagine that you are the most love-worthy person in the world (which you are) and ask yourself what that person deserves. Does he deserve to be respected, to be honored and valued? If you say "yes" to that... give it to yourself, tell yourself you're that love-worthy person until you can't help but believe it, then regale yourself in all the love, honor and respect that you can, everyday, a million times if you have to. Other people will see that in you and they will respond in kind, unless they are too mired in their own self-hatred to give to anybody, and then you can just set them aside, because you'll have the self-respect to know you don't need their negative crap anyway.