Wednesday, December 24, 2008

fluids of the transexualized body

in my sceond attempt at a art video i created
conceving joseph part one
in it im trying to looki at how male and female white fluids crated my milk which i cannto produce created me nad how seaman and sweat contunie to to come out of a post puberty body. and how a white fluid can construct the idenity of a man.
this is part one i want to make part 2 and 3 which i have scritps for but it wil lcost way to much.
in part 2 joseph gets married and in part 3 joseph has children.
the cycle of what is called a man
if you like this please fee free to donate so i can make part 2 and and 3

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing! I was transfixed the whole time! We need to talk about a few things, I'm calling you today!
